Mouse Ball Toy
Dog toys are essential for dog health and happiness. They keep dogs busy for long hours and complete   pleasure of playing. This will build strong relationship between pet owner and dog. There are many types of dog toys available in store. But not necessary that every dog toy is safe and suitable for your dog. Some can cause injuries and some may be toxic also.

If your dog loves playing with dog toys, check out below tips for choosing safe dog toys.

1) Check for right size:
Dog toys come in lots of variety, size and shape. Toy size should be appropriate according to size of dog breed and age. Look for dog size and then look for suitable size of dog toys. Puppy toys should not be given to adult dog, otherwise dog may swell it.

2) Check for safety:
The material used for manufacturing of toys should be checked for toxicity level. Toys made of Vinyl or thin latex is considered as unsafe. Also look for made in country, china made toys contains toxic material in it. Generally USA made toy are safe and non-toxic.

3) Only choose dog toys:
Always try to choose dog toys only and not kids toys. There are lot of variety in dog toys, so you may get confused between those.

4) Choking hazard:
Just brought new dog toys are with tags, string, plastic eyes and other objects which may cause a choking hazard. So remove all those tags. Also discard toys with sharp edges. Dog loves to chew toys, so while buying chew toys make sure material is nontoxic and safe. Always choose soft toys without any sharp edges.

Don’t assume that all dog toys are safe for dog dental health. You need to do regular brushing and dental checkup also. Don’t give dogs plenty of toys at a time, less is always better.

Visit Us : Pet Store Online | Buy Here : Interactive Dog Toys | Read More : Safe Dog Toys 

Which dog collar is safe for dogs

Classic Dog Collar
Which dog collar is safe for dogs? This question looks simple but the answer is quite difficult. Because dog collar come in different types and for different purposes but not all are safe. If you use them wisely and as per instructions most of dog collars are safe.

I have listed below few safe dog collars.

Simple collar :  If your dogs don't have any issue and not aggressive, simple collar is the best option. These are considered as safest collars.

You can have it for daily use. These come in leather, synthetic, nylon, fabrics etc. Leather collar is most popular among those considered as safe and non-toxic. These are more durable and you can have a name tag, vaccination tag along with this.

Slip collar :  If your dog has behavior issue or issue with the walking slip collar is the best option for you. These come with leash, name tag, identification tag. To correct misbehavior of dog just firm pull sideways on the leash. Never pull straight back, your dog will pull against you. Always keep this mind that dog safety is most important so use collar carefully. If you don't know how to use it, take help from professional trainer.

Harness :  Dog harness is the safest dog collar. Some dog collar can cause injuries to neck region if you pull them too much. This is completely avoided if you use a harness. These have special purpose if the dog is suffering from respiratory diseases. It gives more comfort and avoids choking of neck. You can use it for training purpose, for doing outdoor activity, during travelling purpose.

Before buying any dog collar always discuss with pet vet. Also look for health issue of dog if the dog really needs any help from you assist them.

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Organic dog food is not as popular as commercial dog food because many pet owners still don’t know much about organic dog food and its benefits.

So to spread awareness about this I have listed a few benefits of it. 

Natural Dog Treat
1) NO allergy:Organic dog foods are grown in a 100 % natural environment and it does not contain any added chemical such as preservatives, colorant in it. So it minimizes the chances of skin allergic reaction due to chemicals. It also reduces the chances of cancer because some preservatives can cause cancer in dog.

2) Ease of digestion: As organic dog food is grown in a natural environment and all ingredients are 100 % pure and healthy which makes the digestion process easy and smooth. Because of this digestive health improves. This also keeps away dogs from digestive problems such as diarrhea,constipation etc.

3) Skin health improves:  Daily feeding of organic dog food improves skin health and makes shinier coat. The natural ingredients help combat against skin infections.

4) High quality protein source: Organic dog food contains proteins from various sources such as turkey, chicken, lamb, beef, pork. These sources are natural and healthy which gives high quality protein. This helps for adequate growth. It also provides high quality amino acids that are required for various biological processes.

5) Better weight management: Organic dog foods are rich in nutrition as well as calories. This supplies all essential nutrients and required calories which help to maintain adequate weight of dog. This also helps to keep away all complications associated with obesity.

6) Provides Overall nutrition:  As a natural source it is a rich source of all nutrients such as vitamin, mineral, amino acids, proteins and carbohydrate. This improves the immunity power of the dog which helps to fight against all types of infection. It also improves dental health, digestive health and keep dog free from all types of diseases. So the dog's overall health gets improved.

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Dog Supplements

Dogs when become senior begin to show age related signs that are visible. Dog also begin metabolic, immunologic and body composition changes but these are not visible to us. So to correct these changes or to delay this changes dog need nutritional changes which can be fulfilled by dog supplements.

There are rumors that senior dog protein requirement decreases but this is not true. From various studies it has been proved that dog protein never decrease, dog need optimum levels of highly digestible protein to help maintain good muscle mass. This can be achieved by protein dog supplement.

In older age the objective of feeding dog is to maintain health and optimum body weight.

There are several disease conditions due to advanced age which can be corrected by nutritional feed. 

1) Senior dog energy expenditure also decreases so diet must contain low calorie food with minimum fat percentage. Many dogs become obese, so to reduce extra weight we can feed weight loss dog supplement. This will also prevent other disease conditions associated with obesity.

2) Arthritis and joint problems are another major issue associated with age. This issue can be addressed by taking supplements of glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate. This has been proven that dogs with joint problems and arthritis will get more benefit from this supplement against any other dog supplement.

3) Ageing can affect the dog’s intestinal bacterial flora that may cause gastrointestinal disease. This can be corrected by taking FOS (fructooligosaccharides) to promote the growth of bacteria. Sometime older dog eats less which may lead to nutritional imbalance. In this case the A vitamin/mineral supplement is recommended to balance essential nutrients.

4) Antioxidants such as vitamin E and beta-carotene help to neutralize free radical. Also prevent dog from various age related signs, boosts immune system. So the antioxidant supplement should be given to senior dogs.

These are some reasons why senior dogs need dog supplement.

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Plastic Dog Cage
The decision of choosing a dog house is quite confusing for pet owners because Plastic dog house and Wooden dog house both have its advantages and disadvantages.

Before placing an order of dog house for your lovely furry please take look at the pros and cons and then make a decision.

1) Insulation:

This will depend upon the climate you live in and dog house place in your home. If your dog is going to stay outside home in all seasons, then wooden house is better. Wooden gives better insulation and ventilation, in winter they remain warm and in summer they remain cool. This will protect dog from changing weather condition. Plastic house doesn’t have insulators in it, we have to insulate those.

2) Durability:

Although it is considered that wooden houses have more durability as compare to plastic, it will depend on the quality of wood used to it. Cedar wood is most durable and long lasting without any maintenance. Plastic houses are also long lasting but after a few years they may not look good as like wooden.

3) Easiness:

Plastic houses are easy to handle, easy to take care, easy to clean, easy to carry and lightweight. So if you are looking for easiness plastic comes first and then wooden. Wooden is heavy in weight, not easy to handle and carry.

4) Comfort level:

When it comes to comfort level plastic and wooden houses both are good. If they have enough windows for ventilation and enough insulation inside, they are much more comfortable. The extra advantage of wooden house is they are good repellant of flea and ticks, so the dog will get extra protection.

5) Assembly:

Plastic is much easier for assembly, you can easily assemble and disassemble every part. As compared wooden is very hard to assemble at home.

After considering all these factors you can decide which best option for your dog is and then place the order for dog house.

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TikFite Powder
How to Control Fleas in Dogs

Fleas are parasites which live on any pets. Dogs are always susceptible to flea attack whenever they come in contact with flea infested environment. Fleas in dogs can be dangerous and life threatening also if they are not controlled at early stages. There are different ways by which we can do flea control, these are as follows.

Flea Monthly Medications:

Fleas in dogs can be effectively controlled by this method. This is widely used flea control method. It comes with easy to apply liquid form can be directly applied on skin of dogs. They give complete 30 days waterproof protection for dog of 8 weeks old. They kill flea within 24 hours after application.

Flea collars:

Flea collars are medicated collars to be wearable by a dog. This is also effective method but some time skin irritation may occur near neck region.

Flea shampoo:

Flea shampoo is an effective remedy for short duration only. This kills flea which is visible to us and not hidden.

Flea powder and Spray:

Flea powder and spray offers protection for 2-3 days only. This is also effective method only for adult flea. You have to sprinkle powder or spray on dog skin and keep it as for a few hours.

Flea pills:

Flea pills are also an effective way to control flea. They attack on the life cycle of fleas, and break life cycle of a flea. It doesn't kill fleas.

Spot on treatment:

Spot on is also effective monthly flea medication which can be applied between the shoulder blades of the pet. This is to be used in adult flea only.

Along with flea medication Fleas in dogs can be well controlled by home remedies also. You can use ginger, salt or brewer’s yeast to control flea. Beside all this step you have keep clean dog house and dog accessories.   

Visit Us : Online Pet Store | Buy Here : Flea and Tick Control  | Read More : Flea and Tick Cure

Raw Dog Food is considered as safe and healthiest food for your dog because it is fresh, whole and unprocessed. Raw Dog Food has become popular but there are no strong evidences yet.

There are some controversies with this raw food claimed by some research groups.

What is Raw Dog Food?

Raw Dog Food consists only uncooked fruits, vegetables, legumes, and meat Developed by Dr. Ian Billinghurst, it is also called as the BARF diet which stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones And Raw Food.

How Raw Dog Food beneficial?

As a human being dog also needs a complete diet consisting of all essential nutrients from various sources. These have multiple benefits for dogs such as.

Considered as healthiest :

As these foods are from natural sources and unprocessed, they do not contain any preservatives so the health risks due to added chemicals can be avoided.

Uncooked food :

Raw food also contains natural enzymes which can be affected by cooking or processing process. In raw food these enzymes remains unaffected which plays an important role in digestion and nutrient absorption.

Dog need raw meat :

Dogs are carnivorous animal loves to eat raw food products such as meat, chicken, fish, beef, pork, lamb etc. Processed food

Rich source of nutrients :

Raw dog foods are a rich source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. from natural sources.

Prevents from cancer :

Processed food contains some added chemicals which may cause cancers. Beef or pork may also cause cancers. But raw food minimizes these chances of cancer.

Improves overall health:

A raw dog food diet helps to prevent from various diseases such as obesity, allergies, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and so many. It gives shinier coats,healthier skin, more lean muscle and less fat.

These are some reasons why you should feed your dog raw dog food. But the best person who can advise you is pet vet, consult with them and then decide your dog regime.

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The latest trend in dog food is Natural Dog Food because most of pet owner believes that commercial dog food may be harmful to dogs. Most of the commercial products contain preservatives, coloring agents and other chemical for different purposes which may cause digestive problem, skin problem or carcinogenic problems also. To overcome this issue Natural Dog Food is being used.

There are various health benefits of it, these are. 

Maintains healthy weight:

Natural Dog Food contains no fats and adequate amount of calorie which helps to maintain healthy weight. If the dog is obese then proper diet plan with natural foods will help to reduce weight also. A healthy weight will keep the dog away from diseases like diabetes, joint pain and back problems.

Stronger Immune system:

Natural Dog Food will help to boost the immune system. All the nutrients will build and maintain immune system to fight against bacteria and viruses which will save expenses on medicines. This is the best natural way to keep dog healthy.

No digestive problems:

Many dogs may have digestive problems because of chemicals in processed food. Feeding Natural Dog Food to dog will keep away all digestive disorders.

Lower cancer risks:

Some of preservatives and coloring agents may lead to cancers in dogs. Consumption of natural food will lower the chances of cancer.

Stronger hearts:

Natural foods do not contain extra fat and lipids in it which will keep heart healthy. It will also improve the functioning of heart.

No Food and skin allergies:

One of the best advantages of feeding natural dog food is there are less chances of food allergies to dogs. Skin problems are also minimized. This will improve skin functioning and shiny coat.

Quality of life Improves:

The balance of all nutrients will keep dogs healthy and happy. There are fewer chances of diseases for dog. So the overall quality of dog life improves.

Visit Us : Pet Shop | Buy Here : Dog Treats Online | Read More : Balanced Dog Food 

Dog Health Care
Why is dog care so essential during summer 

Summer is no doubt a very tough time and this is why one must take very good care of dogs during summer. The reason for this is dogs do not have sufficient sweat pores to keep themselves cool so they face a very tough time keeping themselves cool.

Here are some dog care tips that one must follow very strictly during summer.

1) Keep sufficient water : One must keep sufficient water in the dog bowl and that too 24/7 so that anytime the dog feels thirsty he can have water. One must also train the dog do that he does not dirty the house, as it is very natural that frequent drinking water will create a tendency to urinate often.

2) Shady area :  The next thing about dog care during summer is to prepare shady areas in the garden lawn wherever the dog spends time. The dog may like to rest and not always play in Sun. The dog must not be taken to walk after Sunset or early in the morning. In most places, Sun becomes so harsh that the dog suffers a lot if taken out for walks when the Sun is high.

3) Fan cooler or air conditioner : We all need air cooler, air conditioner during summer and our dogs need the same. However make sure that never place the dog’s bed directly in front of the air cooler or air conditioner as otherwise it will catch cold very easily. If the dog feels uncomfortable, it will show the same by its behavior.

If you feel the need to take a light blanket in an air conditioner room then make sure that you provide the same to the dog as well. You must be very careful not to let the dog stay out in hot weather.

During after noon, bring it indoor and do not tie it outside.If the dog has suffered from heat stroke the immediately pour cold water over it, give it water to drink and immediately take it to the vet.

These were some basic tips for keeping your dear adorable pooch cool during summer. 

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Dog feed: How much to feed daily

Do you have dog? How much do you feed him? Your answer will be bowl full at a time, Right? Yes, normal tendency is we feed them bowl full of any food item. But If you feed him extra, they might become obese and might develop so many health complications. If you feed less, they will be under nutrition and will start eating anything that look like food. So what is right amount of food to be given to your dog?

Every dog has its own food requirement as per calorie need. Some facts about this are 

1) Food requirement depend upon calorie requirement.
2) Calorie requirement depend upon activity level.
3) Daily activity level decides how much calorie dog need.
4) Every breed has its own energy requirement.
5) Male and female dog of same breed may have different energy requirement. 
6) Puppy needs more food as compare to adult dog.
7) BMI calculation of you dog will give you much more freedom to plan daily food chart of your dog.  

As of we know that activity and calorie need decides food requirement. You can consult with your pet vet to determine BMI and calorie need which help you to plan food need of your pet.  

But before planning food plan of your dog, please consider below facts.

1) Food should balance all nutritional requirement of your dog.
2) Generally feeding should be twice for adults, but if you have puppy 3 times you can feed.
3) Try to include all types of food.
4) Calorie need should match daily.
5) Make a habit of feeding at specific time only.
6) Daily exercise is must to stay healthy and awake.
7) Under special health condition, food requirement may change. E.g. if dog has diabetes then food plan completely changes. Pregnant dog’s food requirement is higher than normal dog. 

So by considering all these factors we can have a good diet plan of our lovely dog. A pet vet is ideal person to help you about this.  

Buy Here :  Dog Food Online  | Visit Us :   Pet Shop  | Read More  :  Dog Supplements